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Student Government

The primary task of the Student Self-Goverment of Radom Academy of Economics is to represent all students and to closely cooperate with the authorities of the University.

Activities of the Student Goverment is specified in the Rules of the Student Goverment of Radom Academy of Economics, and its principal objectives can be divided into three main components:

  1. The protection of the rights, dignity and interests of each student
  2. Initiating cultural and entertainment  life
  3. Social and Household issues

Government, acting through its representatives participate in making decisions regarding students of Academy of Economics. Its tasks include giving opinions on legal acts and co-decision on allocating financial aid and other purposes intended for RAoE students. Representatives of the Student’s Goverment of Radom Academy of Economics actively support the activities of Students’ RP Parliament and participate in the work of the association of non-state universities MONSSUN. There are also representatives of the University’s Student Goverment present at the national and local conferences and meetings for students.
One of the main tasks of the Student Goverment is to initiate and organize a variety of charities and cultural – entertainment events. Self-government was co-operating in establishing of a number of interesting projects, including

  • Cyclical Blood donation campaigns “Vampire-Fest”
  • Art workshops for children from orphanages,
  • Collection of school supplies and toys for children,
  • Santa Claus pack for children from Home for Single Mothers
  • Charity concert at the club Sothis (funds were raised for the treatment and rehabilitation of Piotr Krzysztofik, a boy suffering from cheek cancer),
  • Students social events,
  • Cultural events, including Days of Dialogue between Cultures of the World.

Student Government authorities are choosen at the beginning of each academic year in elections.


Headquarters of the Students Government:
7a Domagalskiego Street, Building A, Room 201
Open hours: Tuesdays after 8:30

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