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Electronic databases

We present the database and services that we are offering students, listeners and researchers of Radom Academy of Economics.


Libra IBUK Libra is an electronic reading room for e-books – academic textbooks, scientific publications, popular science journals and specialist journals, scientific journals, among others. In law, administration, economics, computer science, internal security, pedagogy and psychology, as well as fiction. With advanced technology and online access, readers can use the service around the clock, from anywhere. The platform enables you not only to read books but also to work with advanced text. You can use the resources on your computer, laptop, tablet or smartphone. IBUK Libra technology does not require special software installation and is fully secure for your device. Directories are available in every web browser. WSH students have the opportunity to use the service from all the computers located on the campus via the website, as well as remote access allowing users to access books from any (home) computer after logging on to Network (download code in the Library). The IBUK Libra platform gives the students of the College of Commerce the ability to work with on-line text, which means that each user will have their own MyIBUK account, which allows you to create notes, mark and tag book fragments, preview bibliographies in various formats, Content, the ability to check the changes made in the Book Center, and the direct linking of issues and content of books with dictionaries and encyclopedias.


Virtual Library of Science

Virtual Library of Science is a database that provides Polish academic and scientific institutions access to the knowledge from all around the world, such as:

  • ELSEVIER – full-text database containing Elsevier journals (over 1700 titles, yearbooks from 1995)
  • SPRINGER – full-text database containing Springer journals (over 1800 titles, year of 1996).
  • Wiley-Blackwell – full-text database containing Wiley-Blackwell journals (over 1200 titles) and other publishers (ACS, AIP, Emerald, IEEE, LWW, and since 2011 also IOP, CUP, OUP).
  • Web of Knowledge – biblio-metric and bibliographic database.
  • SCOPUS – biblio-metric and bibliographic database.
  • EBSCO – contains 12 databases of scientific journals and other publications in English.
  • NATURE – magazine.
  • SCIENCE – magazine.

Access to the resources of the Virtual Library of Science is possible from all computers on the premises of the Radom Academy of Economics.



The Legalis database is the most comprehensive and comprehensive database of Polish law. All Legalis on-line data types are updated daily (business days). The database includes: – Legal acts – The Legalis system offers the broadest base of legal acts and guarantees access to a set of consolidated acts from the Journal of Laws. Full texts with all time versions make it possible to compare them in a simple and intuitive way. Legal acts in the database of the Legalis system are: Polish Law Journal and Monitors, Official Gazette of the EU, Local Law, Official Gazettes of Ministries and Offices, Corporate Law, Draft Laws. Legalis has a complete set of source acts since 1918. – jurisprudence – a rich base of the most recent case law of Polish and European courts, including the Supreme Court, the Supreme Administrative Court, the Regional Administrative Courts, the Appellate Courts, the European Court of Human Rights and the EU Court of Justice, including a comprehensive database of unpublished Supreme Court rulings. All in all, the Base has over 1 147 000 judgments since 1925.

– templates and contracts – the largest database of templates and contracts, presented in word, excel and pdf formats. Some examples include practical explanations (related to the corresponding comment modules). In total more than 17,000 designs of letters and contracts are presented.
– informer – database of addresses of public entities, data on indicators used in the economy
– news and calendar – source of information about changing almost
– Polish Legal Bibliography of the Polish Academy of Sciences – covers all items since 1970.

Students, lecturers and WSH staff have access to the following comment modules:
– Real estate law – Administrative law
– Tax law – Public procurement
– Economic law
– self-government law
– Intellectual property law
– European Union

Access to Legalis Base resources is available from all computers located at the Radom School of Commerce.


NASBI is a web-based e-book library aimed at a wide audience Readers for whom knowledge and personal development transcended competencies Scientific and professional are crucial in perceiving your future. NASBI is Based on a modern technology education platform available to students, Employees, management and academic staff. Please feel free to contact us if you are interested in using our web library Ebooks NASBI To apply to the RAE Library for individual authorization code, necessary To set up an account. Thanks to this, you will receive 24/7 access e-books from anywhere, also using mobile devices.


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