How to find a good job or an interesting practices? How to guide ones professional development?
To be an employee or an employer?
When deciding on such aspects of life, you can count that the Career Office of the Radom Academy of Economics will help You.
The study period is a best opportunity to show up an entrepreneurship and precisely plan the professional future, therefore the Career Office will actively help students and graduates in the continuous development and acquiring new skills.
The main tasks of the Career Office, which operates within the department of international cooperation and student practices, include:
- Organization of professional practices within a reputable companies and institutions together locally and internationally
- Running Information Centre, which is an information bank about the job market, employers and opportunities to improve skills
- Advisory meetings, helpful in determining the professional predispositions, as well as assistance in preparation of the application documents
- organization of workshops and trainings, preparing in effective job search or starting own business
- company promotions inside the University walls
Current job, training and internship offers can be found in the “Student” cabinets in the buildings at 7a Domagalskiego street and 61a Traugutta street. For further information please contact Office Manager.
Radom Academia of Economy Career Office
Paulina Marcinkiewicz
61a Traugutta st, 26-600 Radom, office 103
pho/fax 048 363 22 90 ext. 45
e – mail:
Working hours:
Thursday to Saturday 8:00 – 16:00