The specialty is addressed to people who are interested in the subject of insurance in a very wide range of services. The subject of classes will be both social insurance and legal bases on which the insurance system in Poland and the European Union is based. Students will be able to learn about insurance law and its application in international markets. The specialty is also addressed to people applying for brokerage rights and insurance agents. It also provides appropriate specialist preparation for people running their own business activity in the insurance services market. The teaching offer is addressed to people who are interested in the path of professional and scientific development in the field of insurance operations and management.
Areas of education
As part of the specialization, students can develop practical and application knowledge in the field of insurance.
Students will receive:
-knowledge and skills in customer service
-acquainted with the insurance market of Poland and the European Union
-advanced knowledge about tools for assessing the costs and benefits of insurance services
-advanced knowledge about insurance consulting procedures
-financial risk assessment
-market analysis
-marketing of services in the insurance sector
Graduate profile
A graduate in the insurance specialty can find employment in insurance companies or start a self-employed business. People after this specialization can work in insurance consulting institutions and risk assessment companies. Specialists in this field will also be on the market of analytical, diagnostic and marketing services related to the insurance sector.