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Financial consulting

The concept of studies within the specialty

The financial market offers many interesting investments and transactions. To be able to actively participate in its circulation, you need to demonstrate great knowledge in this field. Therefore, the teaching curriculum specialization financial advice is addressed to people who are interested in the path of professional and scientific development in the scope of conducting or analyzing the issues of broadly understood financial consulting for individuals, companies or institutions. As part of the specialization, students can develop practical and application knowledge through student internships in institutions with which the university has signed agreements.

Studies in the specialty include topics:

 –   personal finance
–   financial planning
–   behavioral finance
–   consulting and financial intermediation
–   financial agency on the real estate market
 –   macroeconomic determinants of financial planning

Professional perspectives

Graduates of this specialization have the opportunity to work in independent positions: financial advisors after obtaining the necessary internship, in banks, cooperative banks, cooperative savings and credit unions, insurance companies, financial institutions related to the functioning of the national and international financial system, as well as various types of financial intermediaries brokerage houses, consulting companies. In addition, they have the opportunity to independently build a financial business in the rapidly growing sector of financial consulting.

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