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Radom’s Academy of Economics while implementing its educational mission not only educates students, but also is an active center of scientific and academic life. The best examples are numerous scientific conferences that we organize in cooperation with renowned Polish and Foreign universities.

Scientific conferences focuses academics and practitioners. Provide a forum for discussion on issues of social, economic and political life. Offer the possibility of confrontation between science and practice through the exchange of views and experiences. During the meetings we present scientific achievements in the field and the latest trends and solutions. The conferences organized by the RAoE also involved the students included in the elite Leader Academy Program.

Radom Academy of Economics has organized dozens of conferences, including national and international:

Integration and Safety – selected legal, administrative, social and educational aspects
(April 25th, 2015).

Start a business, or what do you need to get a job looking for you instead of you looking for work
(March 25th, 2015).

Alcoholism, drug addiction and other addictions as a challenge for modern social pedagogy theory and practice
(January 29th, 2015).

The consequences of the reform of education and higher education
(December 4th, 2014).

Problems and prospects of public administration – legal and psychosocial aspects
(November 21st, 2014).

Local government in the context of the institutional environment
(June 20th, 2014).

Innovations of volunteering society in the XXI century
(June 18th, 2014).

Current problems of reforming the Ukraine’s legal system
Co-organizers: Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, Lesya Ukrainka Eastern European National University, Humanities Higher School in Sosnowiec
(June 13-14th, 2014, Lutsk, Ukraine)

Pedagogical, administrative and legal aspects of the education system in Europe – from tradition to contemporary
(June 8th, 2014, Mielec)

The role of prevention and pre-emptive actions in the fight against threats for the social welfare
(May 23rd, 2014).

The financial and economic challenges for Poland in the European Union at the turn of decades
(May 6th, 2014).

Security in the face of social changes – some of the legal, administrative and pedagogical aspects
(April 5th, 2014).

Local social policy towards the disabled and socially maladjusted
(March 29th, 2014).

Living with FAScinating Child – pedagogical, administrative and legal aspects of the functioning of families with alcohol problems
(November 6th, 2013).

Financial security in times of crisis
(October 30th, 2013).

Funds and financial instruments, chances for development – student conference
(September 30th, 2013).

Public finances in Poland – theory and practice – student conference
(July 10th, 2013).

Contemporary problems of education and higher education – student conference
(June 23rd, 2013).

Educational, social and legal determinants of volunteering in the twenty-first century – student conference
(May 24th, 2013).

Psychoactive substances in the lives of children and youth – student conference
(May 21st, 2013).

Problems of Europeanization – selected legal, administrative and pedagogical aspects – an international scientific conference
(April 12-13rd, 2013).

Terrorism – a threat to the modern world – student conference
(March 15th, 2013).

Financial crisis – some of legal, administrative, social and educational aspects – student conference
(September 28th, 2012).

Between the public management and the general theory of public administration – an international scientific conference
(May 26th, 2012).

Virtual worlds Education’s new challenges – an international scientific conference
(March 17th 2012).

Local government’s finance in Europe – International Conference
(May 20th, 2011).

The quality of public administration, and quality of life – the legal and social aspects
(April 15th, 2011).

Public administration’s audit in Poland and the European Union
(May 25, 2011).

Young and media
(April, 12th 2011).

Legal, administrative and ethical aspects of education in the family
(March 16-17th, 2011).

Public relations in politics – student conference
(December 15th, 2010).

Present-day aspect of social pathology – a nationwide conference
(December 4th 2010).

System of rights, freedoms and duties of man and citizen in Poland – measures to protect the freedoms and rights – student conference
(June 29th, 2010).

Public relations in administration – student conference
(June 15th, 2010).

Present-day Diplomacy – theory vs practice – student conference
(June 10th, 2010).

Prevention and rehabilitation – contemporary dilemmas, issues and successes
(June 8th, 2010).

Primers in early childhood education: history, functions, changes in content and format
(May 29th, 2010).

Promotion and advertising through the eyes of a student of journalism
(May 14th, 2010).

Family of the XXI century – present-day threats – student conference
(May 13th, 2010).

The international policy of the European Union – student conference
(March 19th, 2010).

XX years of reborned local government in Poland
(March 8th, 2010).

Media as an educational challenge
(June 18th 2009).

Praxeology impact on the organization and management in public administration
(11-12 May 2009).

Parenting styles – the choice is yours
(May 4, 2009.)

International Security – Challenges and threats XXI century
(12-13 March 2009).

Polish safety assessment by expert
(June 12th 2008).

The application of management science in business organizations and public administration
(20-21 April 2008).

Between history and the future – beyond cultures and borders
(December 4th 2007).

Polish security on the threshold of the twenty-first century
(June 1st 2007).

International security – challenges and threats in the twenty-first century
(May 29, 2007).

Security in government and business
(May 11, 2007).

Good administration – theory and practice
(9-10 May 2007).

UN, EU and international security issues
(May 20, 2005).

Marketing Communications – shaping consumer society?
(17-18 March 2005).

Poland in the European Union – a new dimension to international cooperation in environmental protection
(June 17, 2004).

Computerization a profit optimizing tool
(March 25, 2004).

International cooperation in the field of environmental protection
(March 5, 2004).

European Conference on Public Relations
(15-16 January 2004).

Cooperatives in Poland in the twentieth century. The history, present status – prospects
(November 6, 2003).

Old and new media in the process of social communication – a conference on the five-year anniversary Radom Academy of Economics
(October 15, 2003).

Small and medium-sized enterprises on the way to the European Union
(May 20, 2003).

From the history of the administration in Małopolska sixteenth-twentieth century
(March 27th 2003).

Business ethics: fiction or success?
(13-14 March 2003).

Health care reform – opportunities and threats
(December 5th 2002).

Dilemmas of development of human resources in the public administration
(April 6th 2002).

Strategic information system – a key factor for business success
(February 1st 2002).

Pros & Cons of supermarkets
(April 11th 2001).

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