Radom Academy of Economics maintains relations with the society through his scientific and social activity. It regularly works with the media, public organizations, local and central authorities, as well as with foreign institutions and research centers in the country and abroad.
The university is active for the local community through a number of social initiatives. The confirmation of the importance of these activities for the city and the region are acquired by the University through awards and prizes.
Initiatives of the Radom Academy of Economics, which affect regular contact with the environment, include series of open lectures, meetings and conferences.
Radom Open Lectures
It’s a series of regular meetings with leading Polish politicians, financiers and celebrities organized for students and residents of our city. It provides an opportunity for direct contact with the people commonly known from the media. Their essential element is the discussion and open questions to the guests. These meetings are very popular and occupied permanent place in the political landscape of our city and region.
International lectures
Lectures by ambassadors and senior diplomats on international affairs, situation in the world and foreign policy of other countries. Delivered by the ambassadors of countries with embassies in Poland. During meetings with students and residents of Radom, ambassadors paint image of their homelands, talking about current aspects of international cooperation.
Radom Academy of Economics is realizing its educational mission not only by educating students, but also by being a center of scientific and academic life. The best example is the great number of scientific conferences, which is organized in collaboration with the best universities in Poland. These conferences bring together researchers and practitioners from throughout the whole Poland. The conferences provide a forum for discussion on issues of social, economic and political on both Polish and the world?s level. Conferences offer the possibility of confrontation between science and practice through the exchange of views and experiences. During such meetings the lecturers present scientific achievements in the given field and the latest trends in research and solutions to different types of problems.
Radom Wszechnica (Radom University)
A series of lectures on various topics, aimed at students in Radom Academy of Economics and all interested circles: the scientific, economic, political. Speakers list include lecturers from friendly national and foreign universities and experienced practitioners. As part of the Radom University the lecturers present and discuss current issues in the field of: law, economics, political science, and social and international relations. The lectures in this series provide an opportunity for discussion and are therefore a forum for exchanging experiences and insights.
Radom University of Informatics
A series of lectures addressed to all who are interested in this field. These meetings are designed to present cutting-edge solutions by recognized experts from around the world. They are very popular both among the Radom Academy of Economics students and people from the outside. It makes a unique opportunity to showcase the practical applications of informatics technology and its role in the modern world.
Journalist lectures
“Top Press” – a series of meetings with leading journalists, that focuses on the question of journalistic ethics, the secrets of journalism and current problems of social life in the country and abroad, which are the subject of much discussion in the media.
Days of European Culture
Recurring events, organized to introduce the culture, traditions, customs and cuisine of European countries. It’s combined with lectures, exhibitions and stage shows. A series of colorful events embellished by the presence of numerous foreign guests and representatives of foreign embassies. So far, we celebrated: Russian Culture Day, French Culture Day, British Culture Day, German Culture Day; Spanish Culture Day; American Culture Day.
Days of Africa in Radom
Unusual, cultural event, aimed at bringing Europeans an African culture, its diversity and beauty of this region of the world, but also to draw attention to the opportunities and problems, and raise the awareness of students, residents of our city on the subject. Days of Africa was accompanied by an exhibition of photographs and African art, shows, concerts, African Film Festival and many other events. The patronage of the event was taken by the embassies of all African countries in Poland.
Public debate
The university is a forum for important public debates involving politicians, local government and the society, representatives of social organizations and others. Debates organized by the University are open – townspeople and students can participate equally. These initiatives are widely supported by the local media. The discussion topics are key issues for the region, the country and the whole society.
Exhibitions – as part of the “Factory of Art” we organized students art exhibitions. Drawings and graphics grouped into thematic cycles (such as: “Drying”, “Rome Open City,” “Radom city of your chance”, “The Fall to the upward – that is from idea to idea,” and others) were exposed in the lobby of the Faculty of Sciences humanities at 61a Traugutta Street, as well as in “Cafe Gallery” at a Department of Computer Science at 7a Domagalskiego Street. For three years now Radom Academy of Economics exhibits presents the best Polish press photographs – PRESS PHOTO competition winners. In addition, the University has organized exhibitions on Radom?s promenade.