The concept of study on the specialization
This specialization involves multi-profile education which is such a preparation of graduates, which gives them the chance to work in the future’s “wide professional field” equivalent reference to a variety of environmental tasks for individuals, groups, institutions and the wider community. This specialization also implies interdisciplinary, which provides students with the broadest possible competences (both reporting and causative) in many areas of knowledge, pedagogy, sociology and psychology of the social and health prophylactics, elements of psychotherapy, social therapy and various forms of therapeutic work with children and youth, as well as families and social groups. Planning active learning which teaches of both the choice of content and the methods and forms of education, on the utilitarian side of the knowledge, while marginalizing purely erudite skills (through emphasis on the workshops and development of personal relations as a basis for teacher’s work). Such a graduate profile, having a kind of two complementary specialties, creates more employment opportunities in the often limited labor market. This is one of the not to many fields of education, which alongside methodological, develops also interpersonal skills, wanted in future great teachers.
Studies at this specialty trains in the following areas:
- Interpersonal training
- Group-work techniques
- Educational Psychology
- Alternative education
- Methodology of work in selected institutions of social life
- Pedagogy of creativity
- Family law
- Corrective and compensatory education
- Psycho-prophylactics
- European integration issues
- Social Communication
- Social animation workshop
- Self-modification techniques workshop
- Social mediation
Job prospects
A graduate of this specialization will be prepared to work both as an active social life animator, competent in shaping the educational environment (Social pedagogue), as well as be competent to initiate the preventive, corrective and compensatory actions when dealing with children, youth and families (educator therapist). A graduate can work both in educational institutions (psychological and pedagogical, therapeutic day cares), serve as a school counselor, instructor on Therapy Workshops, as well as facilities not related to education (unemployed and looking for work clubs, neighborhood activities, centers for social prevention and working with the families at risk).