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Organization Management

The specialty of organization management is a specialty whose educational program has been prepared with the participation of the management staff of enterprises. When selecting items, we were guided by many years of experience of our partners. Their knowledge, experience and competences allowed for the creation of an innovative program that teaches the skillful management of their own company or effective management positions at various levels. Graduates will be prepared to take managerial positions in companies. This specialty also allows you to plan your own career path and allows you to create and run new enterprises and organizational units, and to make significant changes to the strategies, methods and structures of existing organizations.

Issues under the specialization:

Organization management
Marketing management
Shift management
Financial analysis
Risk assessment and management
Building a brand
Human resources management and personnel policy
Public management

Professional perspectives
Graduates of this specialization will be prepared to take managerial positions in enterprises and organizations. They will be equipped with knowledge, skills and competences in the field of people management, change management, strategic and organizational management. The acquired competences will allow them to build their own ventures and innovative development of their own company and organize their own business model. Graduates of this specialization are prepared for social involvement in the Third Sector organizations and running a business in a socially responsible manner, in line with the expectations of the modern labor market.


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