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International Relations

The concept of studies

International relations is the study of foreign affairs and global issues among states within the international system which draws upon such diverse fields as economics, history, law, philosophy, geography, sociology, anthropology, psychology, and cultural studies. Studies of this field are dedicated to those interested in gaining skills to facilitate the analysis of the phenomena occurring in the field of progressive EuropeanIntegration and international cooperation in global and regional dimensions. Students gain knowledge regarding economic and social sciences as well as political and legal skills, which enables them to analyse the world economy. This knowledge helps them to become acquainted with and understand the character of the evolution of the international political and economic systems as well as identify and assess the events and problems from the international perspective.

The programme of the studies includes issues from the field of:

  • Theory and History of International Relations
  • Political, Economic and Cultural International Relations
  • International and community law
  • European Integration Processes
  • Functioning of the International Organizations
  • Polish Foreign Policy
  • World Economy

Vocational perspectives

The graduate of the International Relations faculty is fully prepared to start a job as a specialist with the knowledge of economic, political, economical and social issues. He/she can find an employment or workplacement as a manager of an international corporation, business consultant, international market expert or diplomat. Depending on the chosen specialization, the graduate can also work in local and governmental administration, institutions and companies operating on the international markets or developing international cooperation. Furthermore, the graduate of international relations can start his/her career in scientific, research and cultural institutions, publishing houses or mass media engaged in the international issues.

A dynamic development of the international cooperation and Poland’ s growing participation in it generates the demand for numerous specialists managing companies cooperating with their foreign partners.


  • Specializations: Foreign Trade, International tourism, International Finance, Funds and EU projects, International Logistics , Eastern Studies
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