The concept of studies
Systemic and economic changes created demand for new kind of specialists, such as those who are able to cope with new challenges arising for the institutions and administration. During their studies the Administration students gain theoretical and practical knowledge of different branches of law and become acquainted with the rules of the organization and structure of local administration. Students will be prepared to take up a job in local, regional, national or European administration. They can work as managers, consultants or executives.
The knowledge that can be gained at the Faculty of Administration will be also valuable for those, who want to set up their own business as it will considerably facilitate contacts with various institutions of public administration. Additionally, it will enable the cooperation with the administrative units during the realization of projects financed with the public funds. The programme of the studies includes elements of general administrative and managerial knowledge combined with the study of the related vocational skills. The programme was designed in such a way as to have a universal character and meet the standards set by other European universities.
The studies include the following blocs of subjects:
- organisation and management;
- marketing;
- human resources;
- company surroundings;
- law;
- administration.
Vocational perspectives
Studies at the faculty of Administration prepare the students for work in:
- units of government administration, self-government administration, non-governmental organizations cooperating with public administration or carrying out commissioned tasks, state and private companies, international organizations, consulting agencies working for government and self-government administration. Graduation of Administration significantly facilitates running different types of businesses.
The Radom Academy of Economics is a member of an elitist Society of Public Administration Education (Stowarzyszenia Edukacji Administracji Publicznej(S. E. A. P.)) the membership in this society confirms high quality of education at the Faculty of Administation through the implementation of a up-to-date programme of studies and the development of scientific research in this field.
-Specializations: European Administration, Public Administration, Administration of public order services, Economic Administration in the UE and Ukraine, E- government.