Do you have books you read in your collection and would like to give them to someone else? Bring them to the RAE Library and let your books wander from hand to hand. The RAE Library has joined Bookcrossing. There is an official bookshop in the Library, Building D, at Domagalskiego 7a.
Bookcrossing is an unconventional form of popularization of books and readership, mobile, virtual library – without own seat, shelves, library cards. The idea behind bookcrossing is the free transfer of books by leaving them in public places as well as in deliberately created so-called. Bookcrossing shelves (tables, shelves, show cases), so that the finder can read and forward them. The idea of a circus book was born in the United States in 2001, and was initiated by computer programmer Ron Hornbaker. His idea was called bookcrossing (in Polish book exchange, book-circulation, travel book). The response was excellent and within two years the concept reached Poland, also in virtual form. Since 2004 bookcrossers in Poland have been celebrating the National Book of Free Books. Currently, books can be exchanged in many places, and the idea of bookcrossing is mastering the whole world. Bookcrossing requires the social trust and accountability of all users, and he or she is an educational role.
- Go to
- Open the REGISTRATION link and register (Nick, password, voivodship, town)
- Open the RELEASE BOOK link
- Type in the book you want to release: ISBN, title, author, a few words of encouragement to read and where to put it.
- We print the sticker and enter the BIP number given to the book – you can only enter the BIP number without the sticker.
- It is worth adding a few words about the book being released.
- Then leave it anywhere, it can be park, shop, bus or eg on the official shelf registered on
Want to know the fate of your book?
Would you like to know about her journey? also allows you to track the fate of a book we have released. School, college, library, shop are the most convenient places to advertise this beautiful idea. Tell your family and friends, make bookcrossing grow. Is all this “bureaucracy” mandatory? Of course not! We can always unleash the book unofficially, but then we can not know its future. The idea of bookcrossing is to make books as large as possible.