The specialty is focused on many aspects of the functioning of banks and the environment related to the banking sector. It is also connected with other areas of the agency of financial intermediation and advisory. We guarantee a solid theoretical basis of issues related to the banking law, principles of the banking system operation, financial management and financial and investment risk. We pay special attention to practical issues regarding the offer of banks, banking operations of banking products. We pay attention to the problem of obtaining and disposing of financial resources within the enterprise and households. The course also covers the subject of banking systems, international financial relations, monetary and currency systems as well as capital and financial markets. In the education process, we take into account the latest trends in the functioning of financial intermediation institutions. For example: electronic banking, banking systems, accounting and financial systems, innovative banking services, investment banking. Graduates will gain practical skills in the field of: operations and banking activities, banking procedures, financial operations, bank work organization, financial and accounting controlling, risk assessment of exchange operations and securities trading, use of modern technologies in banking and cooperation with banks, international analysis financial relations the ability to set up and run your own business and taking care of your household’s finances.
Thematic areas
-Bank organization and management
-Financial risk management
-Financial management of enterprises
-Financial Controlling
-Liquidity management of the company
-International financial markets
-Bank services
-Audit and internal control at the bank
-Credit institution management
-Money and currency systems
-International financial relations
Professional perspectives:
For the graduates of your specialty, you will be able to work in many professions related to broadly understood financial management. The proposed study program covers issues related to with the economics of enterprises, financial markets, financial risk management, financial control and accounting. During the course, students gain practical skills in financial management in the banking sector, financial and commercial companies, companies providing credit services and other enterprises dealing in effective financial management. Completing studies in this specialty allows you to take a job as an advisor in financial institutions dealing in the intermediation and trading of securities. Our graduate is a high-class specialist in the field of banking, an economist well versed in the rules of functioning of banks and other financial intermediaries. He is a person suitably prepared to occupy positions in the finance sector of every type of enterprise, social organizations, and state and local government administration. As an employee, he has the ability to assess the risk of financial operations and ways to reduce it, demonstrates preparation for independent analytical work and team work.