Concept of studies within the specialty
The aim of this specialty is to acquire knowledge and skills in the field of accounting and public finance, with particular emphasis on Polish tax law. During the studies, the student meets the principles of financial and management accounting, tax accounting and tax administration. It is prepared to conduct complex financial and accounting services of business entities, using IT applications. He gains the skills of keeping books of accounts and preparing financial statements in accordance with Polish requirements and international accounting standards. He is able to effectively manage the company’s finances, analyze the current economic and financial situation and shape the correct structure of the company’s capital. He knows the rules of controlling and issues related to debt collection.
The program of study within the specialty includes:
• The basis of jurisprudence
• Law in the economy
• Accounting basis
• Financial accounting
• Cost accounting and management accounting
• Insurance • financial analysis
• Tax analysis and accounting, tax law
• Small business accounting
• Organization of the accounting office
• Reporting and financial review
Career prospects
A graduate of this specialty can work in companies, banks, state and local government institutions as financial analysts, accountants, balance sheeters, accounting and tax accounting consultants, tax and accounting specialists, internal auditors, etc. It can also work in the sector. Public finance (Ministry of Finance, MF Data Center, tax offices), consulting companies dealing with tax and investment consulting. He is also prepared to run his own business (accounting office).