Legal basis of the Academy
The University is a private higher vocational school, founded by the Educational Center “Absolwent” sp. Z oo (limited liability company) in Radom. It was established in 1998 by a decision of the Minister of National Education No. DNS-1-0145-128/RO/98 on July 4th 1998. In accordance with this decision, it adopted the name: Wyższa Szkoła Ekonomii Stosowanej i Handlu Zagranicznego (School of Applied Economics and Foreign Trade) based in Radom and obtained the right to educate at higher vocational studies in specialties: foreign trade and financial management.
By the decision No DNS-1-0145-169/RO/98 of July 29th 1998, the Minister of National Education the University was put into the register of non-state vocational schools with a number two.
On September 14th, 1999 by a decision of the Minister of National Education (decision No DNS-1-0145-654/RO/99) University have acquired the authorization to teach professional higher education program with a specialization in social communication and public relations.
In 2000, the founder of the University and its authorities requested a change of name for the Radom Academy of Economics. Minister of Education in response to the above proposal issued Decision No DNS-1-0145-514/EKO/2000 of August 24th 2000 to change the name of the University.
Authorization to conduct another specialty: public administration was given to Radom Academy of Economics based on a decision of the Minister of National Education No. DSW-3-0145-375/RO/01 of April 27th 2001.
The following year, the Minister of National Education and Sports have issued a decision No. DSW-3-4003-595/WB/02 of May 9th 2002 authorizing the University to teach an engineering level specialization: applied computer science.
Due to the obligation to match a faculty to the Department, the University have requested for such assignment. Subsequent decisions of the Minister of Education and Sports School of Economics has given the Radom Academy of Economics authority to teach:
- International Relations, specializations: foreign trade and financial management, bachelor degree studies, Decision No DSW-3-4003-1115/JP/03 of November 7th 2003, Decision No. DSW-3-4003-751/JP/04 of May 31st 2004,
- Administration, specialization: public administration, bachelor degree studies, Decision No DSW-3-4003-1040/JP/04 of July 2nd 2004,
- Journalism and Social Communication, specializations: social communication and public relations, Bachelor degree studies, Decision No. DSW-3-4003-1039/JP/04 of July 2nd 2004,
- Computer Science, specialization: Applied computer science, engineering studies, Decision No DSW-3-4003-758/JP/04 of June 9th 2004,
- Education, Bachelor degree studies, Decision No DSW-2-06-4003-252/07 dated July 6th 2007.
Basing on the decision of the Minister of Science and Higher Education no DNS-WUN-6022-2055-5/KT/09 of July 20th 2009, the Department of Legal Studies of the Radom Academy of Economics received permission to conduct Administration studies of the second degree (Masters) in specialization of Administration.
April 19th 2011 on the basis of the Minister of Science and Higher Education decision no DNS-WUN-6022-14171-2/IŻ/11 the school acquired the authority to conduct studies of the first degree (Bachelor) on specialization: internal security.
Decision No DNS-WUN-6014-15968-35/AW/11 dated May 27th 2011, by the Minister of Science and Higher Education changed the University’s registration number to 142 due to introduction of an electronic register of universities.
On the basis of the Ministers of Science and Higher Education decision no DNS-WUN-6022-14898-4/SH/11 of June 1st 2011, the Radom?s Academy of Economics Department of Humanities received authorization to conduct the Master?s degree Pedagogy specialization.
On the basis of the decisions of the Minister of Science and Higher Education of July 8th, 2013, the Department of Legal Studies, received authorization to conduct Bachelor degree specialization in Economics (Decision No MNiSW-DKN.ZNU.6022.45.4.2013.AN) and the Specialization of Management (Decision No MNiSW-DKN.ZNU.6022.46.4.2013.AN).
On the July 15, 2013 by the Minister of Science and Higher Education’s decision no. MNiSW-DKN.ZNU.6022.91.3.2013.AN Mielec’s branch of Radom Academy of Economics was granted an authorization to conduct the Bachelor degree studies in Pedagogy.
The Minister of Science and Higher Education’s decision No MNiSW-DKN.ZNU.6022.215.3.2013.AN of September 25, 2013 Radom Academy of Economics department of Law received permission to conduct the Master?s degree studies on a Specialization: Law in business, practical profile.
The Minister of Science and Higher Education’s decision no. MNiSW-DKN.ZNU.6022.204.4.2013.AN dated December 12, 2013; Department of Humanities of Radom Academy of Economics received authorization to conduct the Bachelor degree studies in Psychology, general academic profile.
On March 21st 2014 the Minister of Science and Higher Education’s decision no. DKN.ZNU.6022.294.3.2013/14.AN, Department of Strategic and Technical Studies of Radom Academy of Economics received authorization to conduct the Master?s degree in internal safety, general academic profile.
Radom Academy of Economics by the decision of the Presidium of National Accreditation Commission has received positive evaluation of the quality of education in the fields of:
- Journalism and Social Communication – Resolution No. 439/2006 PPKA of June 22, 2006.
- Administration – Resolution No. 299/2008 PPKA of May 15, 2008.
- International Relations – Resolution No. 259/10 PPKA of March 25, 2010.
- Computer science – Resolution No. 354/2011 PPKA of June 2, 2011.
- Administration – Resolution No. 360/2014 PPKA of June 26, 2014.
The school currently educates students in eight Bachelor’s and three Masters’ degree vocational faculties.
As part of the University there are four departments:
- Department of Strategic and Technical Studies (it divides into: Institute of International Politics and Security of State);
- Department of Law (in it: Institute of Public Administration);
- Department of Humanities (in it: Institute of Social Prevention and Rehabilitation, Institute of Education and Teaching)
- Branch/Faculty in Mielec.
Rules regulating the functioning of the University:
- Statute of the Radom Academy of Economics granted by the University’s Founder on March 31, 2012;
- Rules and regulations of Studies of Radom Academy of Economics approved at a meeting of the Radom Academy of Economics Senate on March 16, 2012.