Internal Quality Assurance System in RAE
The purpose of the Internal Quality Assurance System of Education at the Radom Academy of Economics is to coordinate and supervise activities in the field of improving the quality of education at RAE and to organize appropriate in this respect quality culture education in the academic environment.
The main task of the system is to adapt the quality of education to the applicable statutory provisions regarding the operation of the University. In addition, the system monitors the learning outcomes in relation to the assumed learning outcomes as well as the requirements of the socio-economic environment and internal stakeholders of RAE. The system includes three basic levels of activity implemented by: College team for Monitoring Quality of Education, Faculty Teams for Monitoring Quality of Education and Rector’s Proxy for Quality of Education. The system guarantees each student, among others:
– during the first class, information from the teacher about the learning outcomes, how to verify them (credit rules) and a list of literature,
– the opportunity to read the subject cards in the virtual dean’s office and the University of Warsaw Library and express opinions on the achievement of learning outcomes,
– the opportunity to consult academic teachers (consultation dates are given in the virtual dean’s office and on the notice board).